Cold Call Objection Handling: A Pocket Guide

When it comes to cold calling, attitude is everything. Humans are emotion-based and we get the feels. People can tap into your emotions in less than 250 milliseconds.

There are also some (arguably) universal truths for overcoming objections and building rapport with a prospect over a call. I’ve listed some of them below.

But before I start dialing, I always keep in mind these three golden rules:

  1. Always be smiling (People can see your smile through the phone. Attitude is everything. Radiate positivity, acceptance, and curiosity.
  2. Detach from the outcome (Kudos to Josh Braun for that one). In the end, nothing is really that important.
  3. This is not the end (‘No’ today doesn’t mean ‘no’ tomorrow).

Objection: “I’m not interested.”


  • “It sounds like you might already have a solution that works for you.”
    • If yes.
    • “Do you mind me asking what the main KPI is that you use to measure its effectiveness?”
      • Listen to response.
    • “Are there areas for improvement?
      • Listen to response.
    • “I know I’ve called you out of the blue. Would you be against us discussing this in more detail at a more convenient time?”
      • Set appointment.

Objection: “I’m not interested (continued)”


“I understand. You are the (repeat their job title back to them), correct? Apologies if I was mistaken, but I thought this would be something within your remit.”

Objection: “We’re working with a competitor.”


  • “That’s great. Would you be interested to compare your current provider against other solutions in the interest of due diligence? If, after we talk, you find that your current solution ticks off all the right boxes, we can leave things there. On the other hand, if there are areas for improvement, I am happy to continue the conversation. How does that sound?”
  • “What’s working best about your current solution?
    • Wait for answer.
      • “What areas could be improved upon?”
      • “Is the solution providing a solid ROI?”

Objection: “Now isn’t the right time to talk.”


  • “I’m sorry, I know I called you out of the blue. Would it make sense for us to set aside some time this or next week to talk?”
    • Potential response: “Send me something and I’ll look at it.”
      • “Sure, I’m happy to send you something. I’ve also found it helpful to understand a bit about you before sending over material. I don’t want to offer you a ‘one-size-fits-all’ overview of our services. I imagine your company has unique traits and I’d like to understand those better before sending something over. If it makes sense, we could aet aside 15 minutes for a call. On the back of that, I can send the relevant information to you.”
      • If they respond with, “Just send me something so I can understand what it is we do. If it is relevant, I will be in touch.”
        • Respond with: “That makes perfect sense. I’ll send over a one-pager. Are you free (suggest time) to go over it with me?
        • Or respond with an elevator pitch, ending with, “Does this sound like something we could set aside a few minutes to discuss in more detail?”

Objection: “Call me next week.”


  • “I can do that. Can I take from this that there is interest here?”
    • If yes.
      • “I know your schedule as busy, as is mine Does it make sense for us to set aside a specific time for the call?”
        • Set appointment. Confirm with, “I’ve sent a calendar invite to your email. Have you received it?”
          • Wait.
            • “Great, please go ahead and confirm that so I know I’ve sent it to the right address.”

Keeping these responses in your back pocket can go a long way in qualifying, ensuring next steps, and giving yourself that competitive edge.


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